Tuesday, May 27, 2008

From the Top (as I know it)

1.  Johann Backen
sp.  Catharine Kuhn 1707-March 15, 1781

2. Johann Backen 1731 - February 5, 1802
sp. Margarete Peters 1738 - December 8, 1812

3.  Frens Backen Sept 20, 1773 - June 18, 1850
sp. Catharine Greve

4.  Johann Backen  April 26, 1816 - April 12, 1885
sp. Lucia Junge Sept 8, 1818 - February 28, 1891

This information was given to me by Hilma Backen, Glucksburg, Germany.  It was hand written, I hope I got all the details correct!

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